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All In 2 Finances Challenge • Season 4

A Unique and Exciting Opportunity

All In Credit Union has created a financial challenge for members, like you, to take control of your finances and improve your life. With the All In 2 Finances Challenge, contestants and online participants who follow along will learn how you can improve your finances as you

Reduce Debt    Increase Savings    Improve Credit Score

While only five lucky families will work with their All In Financial Coaches to compete to win $10,000, you have the chance to play along for cash and prizes through additional online challenges.

Now, more than ever, effectively managing your finances is not just desirable, it's essential. Join us for the journey!

Follow Our Five Families on their Financial Journeys!

A collage of the five families participating in All In 2 Finances Season 4.

Meet Kenny and Haleigh

Kenny and Haleigh are a young couple determined to establish a firm foundation for their young family. They aspire to be in a better financial position which will allow them to be prepared for life’s unexpected events. One key component of their goals is to learn valuable knowledge they can pass down to their children to create a legacy of saving and financial wisdom. With Kenny working in construction, the Bartlett family knows the importance of having the right financial tools and resources to build a sustainable future.

View Their Video | Follow Their Journey

Meet Dominish

Dominish has been on a journey for the past couple of years to pay down debt, and that journey has been full of ups and downs. Growing up, she did not learn sound, financial advice and principles, but Dominish is determined to break through the barrier of debt and make her money go further for her and her son. With the increased knowledge she is hoping to gain through the program, she would like to purchase a home, pay down debt, increase her savings and teach her son that with hard-work, discipline and determination, the sky is the limit.

View Her Video | Follow Her Journey

Meet Jason and Rebekka

Persistence is the first word that comes to mind when describing Rebekka and Jason. They have applied for the All In 2 Finances Challenge three times because they are fully invested in altering the outlook of their financial future. With the rising economic costs and life’s twists and turns, the last two years have been a challenge, but they have not lost faith. The Newell family was hoping the third time applying would be the charm, and their patience and commitment were rewarded. With this opportunity at their disposal, they are eager to begin the program and live a life of financial freedom, not one that consists of living paycheck to paycheck.

View Their Video | Follow Their Journey

Meet Heidi

Heidi’s journey is a true representation of what overcoming adversity looks like. Throughout her life, she has experienced various situations that have challenged and stretched her to her limits. Through it all, Heidi has committed to serving others through her work and has found extreme joy in being a mother to her daughter, Bailey. During this program, Heidi wants to learn how to limit her spending and receive coaching and direction to point her in the right direction. With the perseverance she has exhibited, she believes this program can provide an opportunity to learn from her mistakes and experience financial freedom like never before.

View Her Video | Follow Her Journey

Meet Raymond and Cherrissa

Raymond and Cherrissa’s financial situation is not what they anticipated it to be at this point in their lives. An important goal for them is to be financially prepared to purchase a home for their family. Along with this dream of home ownership, they have three children that are the center of their world, and they are consistently supporting them, but these activities have costs associated with them that add up. The Williams believe this program can lend a helping hand by making their dreams for home ownership become reality. The financial expertise they anticipate receiving from the program will allow them to make wiser decisions to set themselves up for the life they have envisioned. Above all, they will be setting an example for their children to emulate and uphold as they grow up, thus creating a legacy of financial stability.

View Their Video | Follow Their Journey

Learn and Earn!

This unique opportunity will allow you to become more knowledgeable about finances as you follow the journeys of the five families on their way to become more financially secure. You'll also have the ability to complete challenges every month for a chance to win cash and prizes through both Financial Challenges and Learning Challenges.

Monthly Focus: Budgeting, Goal Setting and Account Security

During the All In 2 Finances Challenge, our five families will be working with their All In 2 Finances Coaches as they learn the importance of making every dollar count. One of the tools they will be using is a Financial Tracking Sheet. This worksheet will be updated monthly to track how their savings is increasing and how their debt is decreasing. Be sure to complete your own Financial Tracking Sheet and follow along. 

Download the Financial Tracking Sheet!

Once you've completed your Financial Tracking Sheet and have an outlook of your overall financial health, be sure to complete our two challenges for the chance to win prizes!

1. Financial Challenge:

Enroll in All In Credit Union's FREE SavvyMoney Credit Monitoring System that allows you to check your credit score, set Credit Goals and monitor credit activity. Once enrolled, you'll be entered to WIN one of four All In Credit Union golf umbrellas. 

2. Learning Challenge:

Visit our All In Financial Education Center to create an account or to sign in to your existing to complete the modules that correspond with this month's focus. Members who complete the modules listed below will be entered to WIN one of four $25 gift cards.

Financial Education Center Modules for Month 1: Financial Foundations: Checking Accounts, Car Loans, Credit Cards and Building Financial Capability: Identity Protection, Debt Management, Taxes: The Basics, Healthy Financial Habits, Budgeting for Families, Set Your Calendar every year for Good Financial Health

For more information, contact marketing@allincu.com or call 334.598.4411, ext 1319.